Monday 22 September 2008

Day 18

I want to know your opinion. Do you like my hair better blond or brown. I am thinking about going brown again. And by the way, I did take these pictures.


bre said...

Hmmm...that's a tough one. They're both cute...I think I like blonde better...but I don't know, cuz I really like the brown too..good thing you can always change it if you don't like it! :)

Tyson and Lauren Davies said...


i like you blonde better from those two pictures. But if you were to go brown...I think I'd like to see like a level 6 or 5 or 5.5...cause is that brown a level 7?

Shari Davis said...

I like the blonde better. I so need to do something with my ugly hair. I want to cut it and get highlights before the babies come. I guess we'll see. But I do like your blonde hair.

Anjalique said...

I'm partial to the blonde, mostly because I'm not used to the brown, but you're beautiful either way!